Every warehouse has its own set of security challenges, ranging from threats related to entry and exit to internal security threats. According to a report in 2022, there was a surge in cargo thefts that pushed the yearly total to above an estimated $223 million worth of goods stolen from warehouses across Canada and the United States.
This blog post will discuss some essential warehouse security system measures to protect your warehouse and help manage potential risks.
What are the Top Warehouse Security Threats And Concerns?
Warehouses have always been prone to theft and employee injuries. Business owners should take warehouse security and safety measures to protect their businesses from potential threats and hazards.
Here are some some the warehouse’s threats that every business owner should take care of:
Preventing Theft
Theft is a significant treat to your warehouse security that can greatly impact your business. Thieves can be both insiders with authorized access and outsiders who break in. The theft can be either blatant or subtle, with small amounts taken over time, making it difficult to detect immediately. A comprehensive security plan must account for both types of theft to be effective.
Protecting Inventory
Warehouses often store valuable items, making them prime targets for theft and vandalism. Even small, frequent thefts can cause significant losses for the business owner. Employees might believe that taking small items doesn’t matter, but it can quickly add up, especially if multiple people are involved. A strong security strategy should consider the risk of employee theft and implement measures to prevent it.
Monitoring Employees
Theft can be committed by employees, casual thieves, or organized criminal groups. Unsecured items on docks can be easily stolen by passersby, and valuable, easy-to-resell merchandise attracts organized theft rings. Besides theft, warehouses are also at a higher risk of injuries. According to the Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada, 271 workers reported lost time due to work-related injuries from 2000 to 2021, indicating the extent of workplace accidents.
Controlling Access Control Systems
Controlling who enters and exits your business is the first and the main step for warehouse security. Only authorized individuals should be allowed entry, and they should be confined to specific areas. A multi-layered security solution, including cameras, adequate lighting, access control, and security personnel, is essential to deter theft and catch thieves in the act.
Responding to Emergencies
Your warehouse security plan should include procedures for handling emergencies like fires, natural disasters, and other threatening events. Thieves can exploit these situations, so it’s important to secure valuables and ensure all personnel are accounted for during evacuations. Proper emergency response training for employees helps protect both people and property.
Important Tips to Improve Your Warehouse’s Security and Safety
Enhancing your warehouse’s security and employee safety should be the top priority of every operations manager.
Here are some of the important tips to safeguard your warehouse:
Conduct a Security Assessment
Conducting a thorough security assessment is essential before implementing any warehouse security measures. This assessment helps identify vulnerabilities and risks specific to your warehouse. Begin by assessing the physical layout, entry points, and existing security protocols. Evaluate the effectiveness of current measures and identify areas for improvement.
Implement an Access Control System
Unauthorized access is a warehouse security issue that should not go unchecked by any business owner. With an access control system, you can control visitors entering your facility without proper clearance. Adding card readers to exterior doors and intercom or entry systems is an excellent way to control who comes and goes from the facility. By adding card readers to interior doors such as IT rooms, storage rooms, and cages, you can control employee access within the building. For an easy-to-use system you can manage from anywhere, look at manufacturers such as Brivo Access, a cloud-based access control system.
Install Security Cameras Systems
With so many different types of CCTV Camera systems in the market, if you want a reliable warehouse security camera system that lasts long, allows for upgrades, and works when needed, consider these top four recommendations. Many of our warehouse customers use these systems with minimal issues. While they may be more expensive than cheaper options, a well-designed system offers better reliability and longevity.
Here are our best recommendations for security camera systems:
Milestone XProtect VMS
Milestone XProtect is open-platform video management software (VMS) that supports thousands of cameras and devices for IP network-based video surveillance. It is scalable, user-friendly, and secure, featuring bookmarking, evidence lock, desktop notifications, independent playback, and 360-degree dewarping.
Axis Cameras
Axis Communications, the inventor of the first IP camera, offers high-quality security cameras. Axis cameras deliver excellent HDTV image quality regardless of lighting or area size. They have great support, low failure rates, and various options for different needs.
Avigilon provides one of the best CCTV systems with top-notch video analytics and easy-to-use software for your warehouse security. Their cameras come in various styles with excellent image detail. The Avigilon Control Center (ACC7) VMS is powerful and simple, featuring advanced tools like Appearance Search and Self-learning Video Analytics, making it one of the best in the market.
OpenEye Security
OpenEye offers a hybrid, single-integrated security platform that combines local recording performance with cloud flexibility. Their cameras, recorders, and software emphasize easy-to-use interfaces. The video export tools allow essential video incidents to be exported to the cloud for safekeeping.
Eagle Eye Networks
As cloud adoption grows, Eagle Eye is a standout choice. It provides an on-demand cloud-based security and operations VMS with cloud and on-premises recording. Eagle Eye Networks offers a wide range of cameras, analytic tools, and an open API platform. The Eagle Eye Cloud VMS ensures 100% cloud management, mobile and web browser viewing, and optional cloud recording.
Improve Warehouse Lighting
Adequate lighting is essential for deterring criminal activities and ensuring visibility in critical areas. Install bright, energy-efficient lights in strategic locations, such as entry points, parking lots, and around the perimeter. Proper lighting not only enhances security but also improves safety for employees and visitors. Lighting is a simple yet most effective way to enhance warehouse security and create a safer workplace environment.
Conduct security training
All warehouse security plans must consider continuous staff training. Workers must know how to operate machinery safely, use physical security devices, and access relevant computer systems to mitigate workplace hazards and avoid physical security issues and data breaches.
Looking For a Reliable Security System For Your Warehouse in Canada
Logistics and warehouse security issues continue to plague operation managers. Keeping your people, facility, and goods safe can be a challenge due to cargo theft, employee theft, and unauthorized entry. But with the right tools, you can reduce your risks. Installing a reliable security system as part of your strategy will provide the assurance you need.
Spotter Security will help you gain control over your business security. We will install a customized security system to work with your current structure. To learn more about warehouse security issues and ways to mitigate them, call us at 1-877- 557-3175 or fill in our form to contact us.